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Subset of This article contains phonetic symbols. Without proper, you may see instead of characters.

For an introductory guide on IPA symbols, see. The Ukrainian alphabet is the used to write, the official language of. It is one of the national variations of the. In Ukrainian, it is called українська абетка (IPA:; tr. Ukrayins’ka abetka), from the initial letters ( tr. B); алфавіт ( tr. Alfavit); or, archaically, азбука ( tr.

Azbuka), from the letter names азъ ( tr. Az) and буки ( tr. Ukrainian text is sometimes: written in the, for non-Cyrillic readers or transcription systems. See for details of specific romanisation systems. There have also been several historical proposals for a native, but none have caught on.

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Contents. Alphabet А а Б б В в Г г Ґ ґ Д д Е е Є є Ж ж З з И и І і Ї ї Й й К к Л л М м Н н О о П п Р р С с Т т У у Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ч ч Ш ш Щ щ Ь ь Ю ю Я я Before the publication of the official Ukrainian Orthography (1990), the alphabetical order ended with ю, я, ь. The alphabet comprises thirty-three letters, representing thirty-eight (meaningful units of sound) and an additional sign: the apostrophe. Ukrainian (the rules of writing) is based on the phonemic principle, with one letter generally corresponding to one phoneme.

The orthography also has cases in which semantic, historical, and morphological principles are applied. In the Ukrainian alphabet the'Ь' could also be the last letter in the alphabet. Twenty letters represent ( б, г, ґ, д, ж, з, к, л, м, н, п, р, с, т, ф, х, ц, ч, ш, щ), ten ( а, е, є, и, і, ї, о, у, ю, я), and two (й/, and в).

The ь has no meaning when written by itself, but when written after a consonant, it indicates that the consonant is soft. Also, certain consonants are palatalized when followed by certain vowels: д, з, л, н, р, с, т, ц and дз are softened when they are followed by a 'soft' vowel: є, і, ї, ю, я. The negates palatalization in places that it would be applied by normal orthographic rules. It also appears after labial consonants in some words, such as 'name'. And it is retained in transliterations from the Latin alphabet: Кот-д’Івуар and О’Тул.

There are other exceptions to the phonemic principle in the alphabet. Some letters represent two phonemes: щ /ʃt͡ʃ/, ї /ji/ or /jɪ/, and є /jɛ/, ю /ju/, я /jɑ/ when they do not palatalize a preceding consonant. The дз and дж are normally used to represent single affricates /d͡z/ and /d͡ʒ/. Palatalization of consonants before е, у, а is indicated by writing the corresponding letter є, ю, я instead (but palatalization before і is usually not indicated). Compared to other Cyrillic alphabets, the modern Ukrainian alphabet is the most similar to those of the other:, and. It has retained the two early Cyrillic letters (i) and ( и).to represent related sounds /i/ and /ɪ/ as well as the two historical forms ( е) and ( є). Unique letters are these:.

( ґ), used for the less-common /ɡ/ sound: in Ukrainian (similar to g) Common Slavic г, which represents a /ɦ/. ( ї) /ji/ or /jɪ/. The is also used in Belarusian, and the same function is served in Russian by the ( ъ): Ukrainian об'єкт vs. Russian объект ('object'). The first page of 's Azbuka , printed in Lviv, 1574 The was a writing system developed in the in the tenth century, to write the. It was named after, who with his brother had created the earlier Slavonic script. Cyrillic was based on Greek, and adopted Glagolitic letters for some sounds which were absent in Greek — it also had some letters which were only used almost exclusively for Greek words or for their:,.

Шрифт Ukrainian

The was brought to at the end of the first millennium, along with and the language. The alphabet was adapted to the local spoken language, leading to the development of indigenous East Slavic alongside the liturgical use of Church Slavonic. The alphabet changed to keep pace with changes in language, as regional dialects developed into the modern Ukrainian, and languages. Spoken Ukrainian has an unbroken history, but the literary language has suffered from two major historical fractures. Various reforms of the alphabet by scholars of Church Slavonic, and caused the written and spoken word to diverge by varying amounts.

Etymological rules from Greek and languages made the orthography imprecise and difficult to master. 's Slavonic Grammar of 1619 was very influential on the use of Church Slavonic, and codified the use of the letters Я ( ja), Е ( e), and Ґ ( g). Various were influential as well, especially 's Civil Script of 1708 (the Grazhdanka).

It created a new alphabet specifically for non-religious use, and adopted Latin-influenced letterforms for type. The Civil Script eliminated some archaic letters (, ), but reinforced an etymological basis for the alphabet, influencing 's nineteenth-century Maksymovychivka script for Ukrainian, and its descendent, the Pankevychivka, which is still in use, in a slightly modified form, for the in. Nineteenth-century reforms. A page from 's Bukvar’ Yuzhnorusskyy (Southern Primer), 1861, showing handwritten alphabets for Ukrainian, in the 19th century Russian orthography In reaction to the hard-to-learn etymological alphabets, several reforms attempted to introduce a Ukrainian orthography during the nineteenth century, based on the example of 's Serbian Cyrillic.

These included Oleksiy Pavlovskiy's Grammar, 's Kulishivka, the promoted by, and Yevhen Zhelekhivsky's Zhelekhivka, which standardized the letters ї ( ji) and ґ ( g). A Ukrainian cultural revival of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries stimulated literary and academic activity in both and western Ukraine (Austrian-controlled ). In Galicia, the Polish-dominated local government tried to introduce a, which backfired by prompting a heated 'War of the Alphabets', bringing the issue of orthography into the public eye. The Cyrillic script was favoured, but conservative Ukrainian cultural factions (the Old Ruthenians and ) opposed publications which promoted a pure Ukrainian orthography. In Dnieper Ukraine, proposed reforms suffered from periodic bans of publication and performance in the Ukrainian language. One such decree was the notorious 1876, which banned the Kulishivka and imposed a Russian orthography until 1905 (called the Yaryzhka, after the Russian letter ы).

The Kulishivka was adopted by Ukrainian publications, only to be banned again from 1914 until after the of 1917. The Zhelekhivka became official in Galicia in 1893, and was adopted by many eastern Ukrainian publications after the Revolution.

The adopted official Ukrainian orthographies in 1918 and 1919, and Ukrainian publication increased, and then flourished under Skoropadsky's. Under the government of Ukraine, Ukrainian orthographies were confirmed in 1920 and 1921.

Unified orthography In 1925, the created a Commission for the Regulation of Orthography. During the period of in Ukraine, the 1927 International Orthographic Conference was convened in, from May 26 to June 6. At the conference a standardized Ukrainian orthography and method for transliterating foreign words were established, a compromise between Galician and Soviet proposals, called the Kharkiv Orthography, or Skrypnykivka, after Ukrainian Commissar of Education. It was officially recognized by the Council of People's Commissars in 1928, and by the Lviv in 1929, and adopted by the. The Skrypnykivka was the first universally adopted native Ukrainian orthography.

However, by 1930 's government started to reverse the Ukrainization policy as part of an effort to centralize power in Moscow. In 1933, the orthographic reforms were abolished, decrees were passed to bring the orthography steadily closer to Russian. His reforms discredited and labelled 'nationalist deviation', Skrypnyk committed suicide rather than face a show trial and execution or deportation. The Ukrainian letter ґ, and the phonetic combinations ль, льо, ля were eliminated, and Russian etymological forms were reintroduced (for example, the use of -іа- in place of -ія-).

An official orthography was published in Kyiv in 1936, with revisions in 1945 and 1960. This orthography is sometimes called Postyshivka, after, Stalin's official who oversaw the dismantling of Ukrainization. In the meantime, the Skrypnykivka continued to be used by Ukrainians in Galicia and the worldwide diaspora. During the period of in the USSR, a new Ukrainian Orthographic Commission was created in 1987. A revised orthography was published in 1990, reintroducing the letter ge ґ.

It also revised the alphabetical order, moving the soft sign ь from the end of the alphabet, to a position before the letter ю, which helps sort Ukrainian text together with Belarusian (following a proposal by L. Ivanenko of the Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics). Further information: Ukrainian falls within the Cyrillic (U+0400 to U+04FF) and Cyrillic Supplementary (U+0500 to U+052F) blocks of. The characters in the range U+0400–U+045F are basically the characters from moved upward by 864 positions. In the following table, Ukrainian letters have titles indicating their Unicode information and HTML entity. In a visual browser you can hold the mouse pointer over the letter to see this information.

Vakulenko, S. 3 December 2012. and, eds. (1996)., pp 700, 702.

Oxford University Press. 'Ukrainian Writing and Orthography' in Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopædia, vol 1, pp 511–520. Toronto, University of Toronto Press. Authoritative orthographies. (1619). Slavonic Grammar.

(, with Ukrainian interface.). (1918). Nayholovnishi pravyla ukrayins’koho pravopysu. Kyiv, UNR Ministry of Education.

Ivan Ohienko (1919). Holovnishi pravyla ukrayins’koho pravopysu. Kyiv, UNR Ministry of Education. All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (VUAN, 1920).

Шрифт Ukrainianpragmatica

People's Commissariat of Education (1921). (1928) Ukrayins’kyy pravopys. (1936) Ukrayins’kyy pravopys. Kyiv, Academy of Science of the Ukrainian SSR. Bulakhovs’ky, ed.

Ukrayins’kyy pravopys. Kyiv, May 8, 1945: Academy of Science of the Ukrainian SSR. (1960) Ukrayins’kyy pravopys. Kyiv, Academy of Science of the Ukrainian SSR. (1990) Ukrayins’kyy pravopys. Kyiv, Academy of Science of the Ukrainian SSR. (2007) Ukrayins’kyy pravopys.

Kyiv, Naukova Dumka. (2012) Ukrayins’kyy pravopys. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka. (2015) Ukrayins’kyy pravopys. Kyiv, Naukova Dumka. Ukrainian Primer by Elias Shklanka, M.A., published by KNYHO-SPILKA in New York.

Мій найкращий Словнии, 2nd,edition, Ukrainian Editor Orest Dubas External links Look up in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. — Roman Czyborra's site contains an exhaustive history of Cyrillic character set encoding schemes. — Proposal for a new Ukrainian orthography (in Ukrainian). At the Encyclopedia of Ukraine:,. is the online project that promotes for the Ukrainian language.

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